It comes from the French word jaspre, which literally means “spotted or speckled stone” Some Jaspers are “true Jaspers,” meaning they are an opaque variety of spotted Chalcedony, like Brecciated Jasper. The name “Jasper” is a generic name given to any spotted or multicolored stone. Choosing to be of service to others and to serve our Highest Good is something to joyfully celebrate. Instead we are forced to acknowledge that if we are adults, we ultimately get to choose how we spend our time and energy. Although Ocean Jasper encourages service, it does not tolerate victim or martyr mentality. Ocean Jasper reminds us to think carefully like a wise adult, rather than simply reacting emotionally like a child. It reminds us that just because something seemed true in the past, that doesn’t mean it was actually true then or that it is true now. It reminds us that we don’t need to know all the answers at the beginning, but we do need to be actively engaged and to play to our strengths.

Most importantly, it helps us to know the difference! When things are wrong, Ocean Jasper invites us to rise up and be part of the solution in whatever way we can. Ocean Jasper helps us cultivate patience with things that are outside of our control and to take responsibility for those things that are in our control. No matter who we are dealing with, Ocean Jasper reminds us it’s not enough to just feel empathy, we have to take appropriate action too. Ocean Jasper asks us to give that inner-child the support and love that’s needed, and to be the parent our inner-child requires so it can feel safe and heal. Ocean Jasper is also highly recommended when we are dealing with our own inner-child, who may have emotional wounds that have never been properly addressed. It encourages healthy resolutions to problems, big and small, and to handle problems immediately rather than putting them off in the hope they’ll just go away. It helps us to take fears and concerns seriously, rather than be dismissive. Ocean Jasper is especially good for anyone who is dealing with children or young people and who needs to be a safe and wise adult they can rely on. It also encourages us to find and nurture good people we can call upon for support whenever it’s needed. It inspires self-acceptance and self-reliance. Ocean Jasper brings a beautiful energy of calmness and dependability. If we are searching for our spiritual path, it encourages us to enjoy the adventure of our soul quest and to keep asking the good questions and doing the good actions. It helps us to learn from the past, both this life as well as past-lives, so that we can gain wisdom and move forward towards enlightenment. It is a fantastic tool for soul healing and exploring karmic ties.

Ocean Jasper help us to flow with the rhythms of life and to be patient with ourselves and others as we evolve. Whatever we believe, it asks us take action and to use our natural gifts to uplift and inspire. If we believe in fairness, then Ocean Jasper asks us to act fairly. If we believe in love, then Ocean Jasper asks us to act with love.

Ocean Jasper invites us to walk our talk and to let our behavior showcase our true beliefs. It reminds us that we have a duty to others, as well as to ourselves, and that one of the clearest spiritual paths is found in service and good works. Ocean Jasper inspires us to be an active force of goodness in the world.